About Us

Our mission is to radically de-risk hard asset evaluation

AI powered, property inspection services for hard money lenders and private equity firms

Our Story

In 2021, Mark's private equity fund faced frustrations when bidding on non-performing loans (NPLs). Property inspections took too long, reports lacked detail and consistency, and errors were frequent.

With two decades of lending experience, Mark knew that the issue lay in the broken legacy inspection process.

A simple vendor change was not going to fix this problem!

Today we are a team of tenured construction, inspection, and AI experts on 4 continents. Our team has developed a process that keeps highly qualified human inspectors in the process, reduces cost and leverages a proprietary AI tech stack to significantly de-risk hard asset evaluation.

Welcome to the future of hard asset evaluation!

Mark Hegenbart | CEO
years of experience
22 Hours
Avg time: Order to Delivery
AI empowered certified inspectors
Avg time saved using our interactive inspection reports
43 Min
Fastest time: order to delivery

AI, Big Data, and Machine Learning

Move your lending operation into the age of AI and provide your capital partners with the confidence they deserve.

We leverage certified inspectors, AI, computer vision, machine learning, and big data to give you accurate calculations and valuable insights.

Certified Inspectors
Industry Leading AI
Built By Lenders
Un-matched Speed

Our core values

Look For Another Way

The best path is often not well illuminated.

Better Together

The “Who” allows the “What” and “How” to thrive.

Own it

If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing to the best of our ability.


Mark Hegenbart

CEO / Audiophile / Burning Man Enthusiast

Aslan Goldenhour

CTO / AI Super Nerd / Husband  Extraordinaire

Global Intelligence

A diverse team spanning 4 continents and multiple disciplines

Trusted by

Less Risk. Better Reports. Lower Cost. Faster Inspections.

Certified inspections in 24 hours. Guaranteed*
* depending on property contact’s availability.